Stabbing Pain In The Back

The back pain

The pain in the spine is one of the most common complaints among people. Unlike all other mammals, only one person has problems with the back, because if you walk straight greatly increases the load on the spine.

The spine is composed of multiple departments, and often excruciating pain in the back located only in one of them.

Causes of discomfort

Factors that influence the degradation of the functioning of the spinal column are known to all:

  • sedentary sedentary lifestyle;
  • the lack of physical exercise;
  • a strong lifting weights;
  • the heavy physical work.

In addition, influenced by genetic factors and relevant pathology, which, for example, worsen the circulation of blood in the spinal column.

The spine is a group of vertebrae, between which there are elastic disks, they play the role of shock absorber. Mobility to all segments to give the facet joints and the articular cartilage.

Violation of the integrity or position of any part of the vertebra leads to several diseases, which express the pain.

Causes of back pain

From the spinal cord to overlook the special of the nerve roots that run close to the vertebrae, so the majority of the discomfort related to their violation.

Especially stabbing pain in the spine occurs for the following reasons:

  1. Cracks in the vertebrae.
  2. Low back pain.
  3. Spondylosis.
  4. Hernia between the vertebrae.
  5. Low back pain.

These serious diseases are easily distinguishable from the usual back pain, because in the latter case it is just an inflammation or muscle tension and the state passes quickly enough. In the case of injury of the spine sensations in extremely strong and severe require treatment measures.

Cracks in the spine

In fact, in the medical community this term has not been adopted. The concept of the "crack" rather, it means partial fracture without spinal cord injury.

The spine is designed to be the pillar of the whole body, while it is quite flexible and agile, with the result that it is possible to make different shots of the scene, the slopes of the mountain. However, even so almost perfect mechanism extremely unstable.

Fractures can occur for the following reasons:

  1. A bad fall or the execution of sports exercises.
  2. Fall from a great height.
  3. The strong pressure of the body (for example, a car accident).
Crack in the spine

Older people represent a risk, because they have such a damage can also occur when the load on the back, their vertebrae are too fragile and not sufficiently equipped with essential trace elements.

Not always, the man can immediately the suspicion of a violation of the integrity of the vertebrae. In some cases, the crack is so insignificant, that with the them continue to live fully above. However, more often such changes, once get to know.

The characteristic symptoms of cracks in the spine:

  • sharp, acute, lancinating pain at the site of injury, which can spread to other areas of the back;
  • increased pain on palpation, or change the position of the body;
  • the formation of edema and hematoma on the site of the trauma;
  • tension in the muscles of the back, limited in their movements.

If, following injury, broke off a part of the vertebra, it can compress the nerve endings in the spine or injure himself spinal cord, in this case, the pain is biting and scathing and have to take measures of emergency admissions, to resolve the fragment.

Low back pain

Low back pain is a pathology associated with degenerative changes of the intervertebral discs and the articular cartilage.

It develops most often in people age due to poor nourishment of the tissues, recently, however, the diagnosis of "young people". Due to the lack of nutrients the first suffers from the disc between the vertebrae, which loses its elasticity, and the flexibility. Reduced in size, сдавливается and, therefore, ceases to perform its main function to adjacent vertebrae. A thin strip is not able to separate the bone tissues vertebrae from one another, and begin to interact, causing inflammation.


Degenerative changes in disc lead, in addition, to the irregularities and violation of the nerve roots.

Further amendments concern the vertebrate joints and ligaments. The bone tissue grows, as a result you lose the mobility of the spinal column, becomes the curve, they develop kyphosis and scoliosis.

For a reference! The load, which is distributed non-uniformly with regard to the human body, for example, heavy bag, every day carry on one shoulder, leads to disease of the spinal column.

Cause the disease can not only to the senile age, but also a number of other reasons:

  • the increase of the load on the vertebral column: the hard physical work, being overweight, occupation, on-going relationship with the sitting position or standing;
  • disorders of the metabolism;
  • the intoxication of the body;
  • the lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • somatic diseases;
  • the hormonal changes.

Low back pain is divisible, for the cervical, thoracic and lumbar.

The symptoms of the disease:
  1. With the defeat of the cervical spine, you experience the following manifestations: pain in the neck, the hands, their numbness, hearing impairment, and headache.
  2. With the defeat of the department of maternal appear: pain in the back, shortness of breath, pain in the heart muscle.
  3. With the defeat of the lumbar feels a stabbing pain in the back, lower back, then spreads to the foot. Can occur disorders of the organs of the urinary.

With the defeat of the cervical occurs a violation of the cerebral circulation and, as a result, you experience other symptoms:

  • pressure changes;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness, appearance of spots and spots before the eyes;
  • sleep disorders.

This osteochondrosis occurs throbbing or the pain that pulls the spine in the lumbar region. This is due to the fact that there are 5 larger vertebrae, which crushes the entire upper part of the spinal column. Moreover, it is precisely this that is the area most the times during lifting of the load, slopes, curve.


Spondylosis is a disease in which the edges of the vertebrae, forming excrescences on the bones, pathological osteophytes. This condition is the next step after the degenerative disc disease of the spine.

Due to deformation of the intervertebral disc, and the development of local inflammation, thickens the bones of the vertebrae. In конченом the end, they begin to deposit calcium salts, form the so-called spikes, which compress the nerve roots and the blood vessels.


The causes of the disease most often are:

  • a back injury;
  • a senior age;
  • chronic diseases (hypertension, diabetes);
  • obesity.

The symptomatology is similar with остеохондрозом and manifests itself in the form of pain in the innervated area, muscle tension, limitation of mobility, increase of the kyphosis or lordosis.

A interesting fact! Спондилезом suffered yet ancient. Archaeologists were able to identify the pathological alterations in the remains of vertebrates facilities mummies.

Hernia between vertebrae

The disease usually does not occur abruptly. Gradually there is compression of the disc, which is located between the vertebrae. One part fibrous rings (outer shell) extends beyond the edge of the vertebrae. In such a situation, they only speak of the protrusion of the disc.

In the case of strong or severe crushing, the lack of nutrition of the tissues fibrous ring to burst and then the inner part of the disk – pulpous core goes to the outside. In this case, the diagnosis of a hernia. The core affects the nerve endings and therefore it causes a burning pain.

Often hernia are localized in the lumbar area. When a person experiences the following symptoms:

  • the pain, in contrast to the buttocks and legs;
  • numbness of the feet;
  • malfunction of the genitourinary system.

For the cervical hernia is characterized by numbness of the hands, pressure fluctuations, dizziness, pain, pain that radiates to the shoulder.

Hernia of the chest (which is the less) is characterized by pain in the chest, which often is perceived as the disease of the adjacent organs.

Low back pain

With the term low back pain refers to pain in the back, which has various causes. It is not a disease independently, but only the manifestation of negative changes that occur in the vertebrae.


On the basis of back pain are as dystrophic and degenerative processes in the vertebral column. Often, the root cause, as many other states – low back pain.

In addition, low back pain can occur due to:

  • ankylosing Spondylitis;
  • lesions and tumors of the spinal column;
  • tuberculosis;
  • dysplasia congenital.

The status of low back pain is often called the low back pain, because it occurs the pain sharp and stabbing.

In this state the man suddenly bend and you can straighten. The relief position, lying belly down on a hard surface, with the mass under the pillow. Because of a sharp pain occurs muscle spasm and tense muscles further strengthen the discomfort.

If they injure the roots of the sciatic nerve occurs lumbago, where the pain extends to the buttocks and thighs.

In addition to pain during the back pain you are experiencing symptoms such as:

  • numbness of the skin in a place of acute pain or, on the contrary, a sense of tingling and "chills";
  • heart palpitations;
  • the sweating.

The status of low back pain can last from a few hours to several days and sometimes stops without any intervention.

Stabbing pain in the back is almost always a sign of defeat of the spinal column. It is not enough to relax or change position. At the first sign of disease need to consult their doctors to establish an accurate diagnosis and a course of treatment in a timely manner.